ITIR projects should be dispersed in three regions


Hyderabad: The Lok Satta Party today reiterated its stand that projects proposed under the Information Technology Investment Region (ITIR) be dispersed over three or four important centers in the three regions of the State instead of being confined to Hyderabad.

State Lok Satta Party President Katari Srinivasa Rao said in a media statement that his party has in fact welcomed the sanction of the ITIR to Hyderabad. It is opposed to locating all the projects under the ITIR in Hyderabad since such a policy will merely aggravate regional imbalances.

Srinivasa Rao was reacting to TRS President K. Chandrasekhara Rao’s allegation that Lok Satta national President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan opposed sanction of the ITIR to Hyderabad because of narrow considerations. 

He said that since the proposed ITIR is to be developed over 25 years entailing an investment of Rs.2.19 lakh crore, the requisite infrastructure can be created in centers other than Hyderabad also.

Srinivasa Rao pointed out that agitations have been rocking the State for the last few years because people in different regions feel that the fruits of development have not reached them. Concentration of political, administrative and economic power in Hyderabad has resulted in uneven economic development and unrest among people.

Srinivasa Rao said wisdom lies in learning from past mistakes and added that the time has come for decentralization of not merely political power but also industrial projects.

He added the Lok Satta Party is prepared for a debate on the importance of decentralization for balanced development of the State. 

Source : AH
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