Telangana Rashtra Samiti chief K. Chandrasekhar Rao, in a press release on Sunday, announced that former MP and TRS secretary-general K. Kesava Rao is its nominee. Dr Kesava Rao will file his papers either on Monday or Tuesday. But TRS sources say much depends on whether the Congress is fielding candidates for three or four seats.
(There are five routine vacancies, and one caused by the resignation of Harikrishna of the Telugu Desam. Given the numbers, the Congress can win three seats and the TD, two. The last seat is up for grabs.)
“If they announce only three candidates from the Congress, in tune with their strength in the Assembly, Dr Kesava Rao will file his papers as the fourth candidate. But if the Congress fields four candidates, we will have to do a rethink,” said the source.
Source:Deccan Chronicle
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