Instead the A.P. Formation Day celebrations were marred by protests, agitations and lacked the usual fun and frolic. A sense of uncertainty, frustration and uneasiness was very much evident in the celebrations held in different parts of the state.
The official function in the state capital as well as the district headquarters seemed to have been organized to fulfill the constitutional obligation and not with any zeal, sincerity and commitment. As a matter of fact the atmosphere at these functions presented a sense of hopelessness with many entertaining the feeling that this would be the last function to commemorate the formation of a Telugu State.
While only few ministers from the Seemandhra region attended the official function presided over the Chief Minister, the ministers from Telangana region were conspicuous by their absence thus sending a clear signal about the vertical split in the cabinet on the Telangana issue.
The protagonists of Telangana State on the other hand observed the day as a black day by hoisting black flags at Indira Park, Telangana Martyrs Memorial etc. The integrationists on their part observed the day by taking out rallies and protest marches in support of Samaikyandhra.
Interestingly in the functions organized in various educational institutions, the students were informed by those who had presided over the celebrations that this would be the last A.P. Formation Day function to be held in the Telangana region. Some school children innocently asked their teachers whether they would have two holidays henceforth – one for A,P. Formation and another for Telangana Formation.
source: Andhra Headlines
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